This comprehensive online platform provides a wealth of resources and support to

empower young individuals as they transition into adulthood and independence.

Focused on practical expertise, education, and empowerment, the Life Skills Portal is all about giving you the tools and know-how to crush your transition into adulthood. It’s your number one resource for tackling the ups and downs with confidence and independence.

As you're gearing up for aging up, dive into a treasure trove of useful info and step-by-step guides to mastering adulthood. The Portal is packed with the support and instructions you need during this exciting and pivotal stage of your life. 

We’re here to help you unlock your potential and slay adulthood with ease!

College Life

College life is a transformative period offering new opportunities and challenges. To thrive, stay organized, attend classes, and develop good study habits. Build relationships with peers and professors, balance academics with social life, and manage finances wisely. Embrace the experience by exploring new interests and staying open to change.

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Legal Series- What is an Arraignment

An arraignment is a critical court proceeding where the defendant is formally informed of the charges and enters a plea. Legal representation is essential, and the court may address bail and set future dates for hearings or trial. Understanding this process and your rights helps you navigate this crucial step effectively.

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Legal Series- How to Prove your Innocence

Proving your innocence involves gathering compelling evidence, working with a skilled attorney, and presenting a strong defense in court. Key steps include collecting documentation, securing witness statements, and preparing a clear timeline of events. By following legal advice and staying organized, you can effectively navigate the legal process and demonstrate your innocence.

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Legal Series- Where do they Hold Me After Being Arrested

After being arrested, you’ll be held at a facility until your legal situation is resolved. Initially, you may be taken to a police station for booking, then moved to a local jail. Understanding the process, including bail options and potential transfers, helps reduce anxiety and prepare for the legal steps ahead.

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Why Personalized Advocacy Matters

Approaching 18 can feel like peering over the edge of the world's tallest roller coaster, especially for youth in foster care. That's where personalized support becomes crucial. At Speak Up For Kids PBC, our Foster Youth Resource Concierge (FYRC) provides tailored advocacy to understand your challenges and strengths. Build a trusting relationship with an advocate who listens and supports you. Empower yourself with informed decisions on education, career, and life goals for long-term success. 

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Moving Forward: Setting Goals for your Future

Setting goals provides direction, focus, and motivation, making you accountable and driving personal growth. By identifying aspirations and setting SMART goals, you create a clear action plan. Stay organized, prioritize tasks, seek support, and celebrate milestones. Overcome challenges with positivity and perseverance, and regularly review and adjust your plans for long-term success.

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Legal Series- How does an Arrest Affect my Future

An arrest can significantly impact your future, affecting employment, relationships, and privacy. Understanding these effects is crucial. Seek legal advice to explore options like expungement, be honest about your record when necessary, and focus on personal growth. Protect your privacy and build a support network to navigate these challenges effectively.

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How to Get Personalized Support for Young Adults Transitioning from Foster Care to Adulthood

Navigating the transition from foster care to adulthood can be challenging. Our Foster Youth Resource Concierge (FYRC) provides personalized support for young adults aging out of foster care. We offer assistance with school enrollment, job searches, independent living skills, and more. Whether you need help with paperwork, attending appointments, or connecting to community resources, the FYRC is here to support you every step of the way. Let us help you confidently embrace your future with comprehensive foster care assistance and dedicated foster youth support.

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Inspiring Words from Brandin Bryant: Navigating Adulthood After Aging Out of Foster Care

Former NFL player Brandin Bryant shares empowering advice for young adults transitioning to the 'real world.' Discover insights on accountability, resilience, and cherishing the journey as you navigate your path to a flourishing future. Embrace the challenges and victories ahead with wisdom and inspiration from those who've walked the path before you.

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Domestic Violence

Transitioning out of the foster care system can bring new challenges and opportunities. One critical issue to be aware of is domestic violence. Understanding domestic violence and knowing how to address it is essential for your safety and well-being. This guide will help you recognize the signs, understand the impact, and find ways to seek help.

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Rewiring your Brain: Neuroplasticity and Healing

Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to change and adapt, enables healing from trauma by rewiring itself in response to experiences. Strategies to harness neuroplasticity include mindfulness, physical exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, healthy lifestyle choices, and new learning. Embracing these methods supports brain health and aids recovery from trauma, fostering personal growth.

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Human Trafficking: Recognizing Signs and Taking Action

Human trafficking is a grave human rights violation that affects millions worldwide. It involves the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for purposes such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or involuntary servitude. Victims of human trafficking often endure physical and psychological abuse, manipulation, and deprivation of their basic rights and freedoms. It's crucial to raise awareness about this issue, recognize the signs of trafficking, and take action to prevent it. Through education, advocacy, and support for survivors, we can work together to combat human trafficking and protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation.

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Arrested? Will My Charges Affect My Future?

Dealing with the legal system and your future can be tough, especially when you have a criminal record. Whether you're trying to figure out what happened to your record from when you were younger or dealing with a new arrest as an adult, it's important to know your rights. Even though it might be hard to find a job or move forward with a record, there are ways to make things better. By learning about your options and getting help when you need it, you can start to move forward and make things right.

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Arrested? What is Bail?

In legal proceedings, bail serves as a financial guarantee that ensures a defendant's appearance in court. Understanding the concept of bail is crucial for anyone involved in the legal system, whether as a defendant, family member, or legal representative. It plays a significant role in ensuring due process and the fair administration of justice.

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Arrested? Your Rights and Next Steps

Navigating the process of being arrested can be overwhelming, but understanding what to expect can help ease some of the stress. It typically begins with being taken into custody by law enforcement officers and transported to a police station or county jail. During this time, it's crucial to remember your rights, such as the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Lets dive into the key steps to ensure a smooth process with law enforcement while asserting your rights.

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The Public Bus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help Beginners Navigate the Bus System

Navigating the public bus system can seem daunting at first, but with a little know-how, you'll be riding with ease in no time. From finding the right bus route to knowing when and where to hop on and off, mastering the public bus system opens up a world of convenient and affordable transportation options. In this article, we'll explore practical tips and tricks to help you navigate the public bus system like a pro. Whether you're a seasoned commuter or a first-time rider, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the bus system efficiently and confidently. Let's dive in and uncover the secrets to hassle-free bus travel!

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Starting Fresh: How to Clear Your Juvenile Records

Navigating the legal landscape as a young adult comes with its challenges, especially when past mistakes weigh heavily on future opportunities. However, there's hope in the process of juvenile record expungement. By understanding the steps and requirements involved, individuals can pave the way for a brighter future, free from past mistakes. In this article, we explore the intricacies of juvenile record expungement, providing insights and guidance for those seeking to clear their records and move forward with confidence.

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Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN Overcoming Challenges: Being Tough & Adaptable Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Understanding Supervised Own Recognizance (SOR) and Probation: What You Need to Know

In the legal system, you might hear about something called SOR or probation. These are important parts of what happens when someone breaks the law. SOR, which stands for Supervised Own Recognizance, and probation are ways the court watches over people who are waiting for trial or who have been found guilty of a crime. In this article, we'll explain what SOR and probation are, why they're important, and what they mean for people involved in the legal process. Whether you're someone who's been through the court system or just curious about how it works, understanding SOR and probation is key to knowing how the law works.

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Health Check: Essential Tips for Annual Physicals

Discover the comprehensive checklist for you annual physical, covering crucial aspects like medical history, current medications, allergies, and symptoms. Gain insights on voicing concerns, seeking advice, and understanding consent. Equip yourself with the knowledge you h need to make the most of your healthcare appointments. Read on to learn more!

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Your Papers: A Simple Guide to Geting a Copy of Your Birth Certificate

Navigating adulthood as a young teen transitioning out of foster care comes with its challenges, but securing essential documents like your birth certificate shouldn't be one of them. In this article, we'll outline the quick steps you need to take to obtain a copy of your birth certificate. Empower yourself with the knowledge to effortlessly navigate this process and ensure you have the documentation necessary to access opportunities and services as you embark on your journey to independence.

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Additional Resources

  • DCF Independent Living Services

    Information about the services available to young adults transitioning out of foster care in Florida. It covers topics like education, employment, housing, and health care

  • DCF - Road To Independence Program

    Financial assistance to eligible young adults who have left foster care or are about to leave foster care.

  • DCF - Postsecondary Education Services and Support

    Funding for tuition and living expenses to eligible young adults who are pursuing postsecondary education

  • InCharge Financial Help

    Information about transition programs & resources available to help youths aging out of foster care with finances, housing, health care.

  • Foster Power Classes

    Foster Power offers life skills classes that cover topics like cooking, budgeting, and job searching. These classes can provide practical skills necessary for independent living.

  • Foster Power

    A collection of resources, including guides on managing finances, finding housing, and getting an education. It's a comprehensive guide that can aid young adults as they transition out of foster care.