This comprehensive online platform provides a wealth of resources and support to

empower young individuals as they transition into adulthood and independence.

Focused on practical expertise, education, and empowerment, the Life Skills Portal is all about giving you the tools and know-how to crush your transition into adulthood. It’s your number one resource for tackling the ups and downs with confidence and independence.

As you're gearing up for aging up, dive into a treasure trove of useful info and step-by-step guides to mastering adulthood. The Portal is packed with the support and instructions you need during this exciting and pivotal stage of your life. 

We’re here to help you unlock your potential and slay adulthood with ease!

Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

First Oil Change: The Ultimate Oil Change Tutorial for Young Adults Looking to Do-it-Yourself

Changing your car's engine oil is a vital maintenance task that every young adult should know how to do. Not only does it help keep your engine running smoothly, but it also extends the life of your vehicle. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you tackle this essential task.

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Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

First Car: Essential Tips for Buying Your First Car

Are you a young adult embarking on the journey of buying your first car? Our comprehensive guide equips you with essential tips for navigating the car buying process with confidence. From setting a budget to negotiating prices and seeking advice, empower yourself to make informed decisions and find the perfect vehicle to suit your needs and budget. Read on to discover how to make your first car purchase a success!

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Health Check: Essential Tips for Annual Physicals

Discover the comprehensive checklist for you annual physical, covering crucial aspects like medical history, current medications, allergies, and symptoms. Gain insights on voicing concerns, seeking advice, and understanding consent. Equip yourself with the knowledge you h need to make the most of your healthcare appointments. Read on to learn more!

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Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Car Maintenance for Beginners: What You Need to Know About Maintaining Your First Car

Taking care of your car is like taking care of your favorite toy – it needs a little love to keep working right! One of the easiest things you can do is check the oil. Another important thing to check is your tires. Make sure they're not too flat and that they're not too worn down. With just a few simple checks and a little TLC, you can keep your car on the road for miles and miles!

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Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Getting Gas: A Beginner’s Guide to Navigating the Gas Pump

Pumping gas might seem tricky at first, but it's easier than you think. First, find the gas cap on your car and open it. Then, choose the type of gas you need. Put the nozzle in the hole and squeeze the handle. When it's full, let go and take out the nozzle. Put the cap back on your car, and you're done. With a little practice, you'll be a gas-pumping pro in no time

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Your First Apartment: A Young Adult's Guide to Independent Living

Apartment hunting can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, especially for young adults stepping into the realm of independent living for the first time. From budget constraints to location preferences, the search for the perfect abode demands careful consideration. In this article, we delve into the essential tips and tricks to streamline your apartment hunt, ensuring that you embark on this exciting journey well-prepared and confident. Let's navigate the maze of rental listings and open house visits together, empowering you to find a place you can proudly call home.

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Your Papers: A Simple Guide to Geting a Copy of Your Birth Certificate

Navigating adulthood as a young teen transitioning out of foster care comes with its challenges, but securing essential documents like your birth certificate shouldn't be one of them. In this article, we'll outline the quick steps you need to take to obtain a copy of your birth certificate. Empower yourself with the knowledge to effortlessly navigate this process and ensure you have the documentation necessary to access opportunities and services as you embark on your journey to independence.

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Social Security Card: A Young Adults Guide to Obtaining A Copy of Your Social Security Card, Stress-Free

Transitioning into adulthood as an at-risk teen, especially one working to successfully transition to adulthood, can be daunting. Amidst this transition, securing your Social Security card is crucial for accessing employment, education, and essential benefits. In this article, we'll walk you through the stress-free steps to obtain your Social Security card. Empower yourself with the knowledge you need to navigate this important process and take charge of your future confidently.

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ER or Urgent Care: Which One Do You Need?

Knowing when to visit the ER versus urgent care is crucial. Go to the ER for life-threatening emergencies like chest pain, difficulty breathing, severe burns, or stroke symptoms. For severe trauma, head injuries, or sudden weakness, the ER is the right choice. When in doubt, it's safer to choose the ER.

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Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Renting A Car: A Young Adult’s Guide to for What to Know Before Signing

Discover the essentials of renting your first car with our beginner's guide. From checking your license to understanding age requirements and inspecting the vehicle, we've got you covered. Learn about pricing variations, one-way rentals, and potential additional charges. Navigate the rental process confidently and make your first car rental a breeze!

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Car Insurance: Why Do I Need it?

Car insurance might not be the most thrilling topic for young adults, but understanding it is crucial as you hit the road. From deciphering coverage options to managing costs, navigating the world of car insurance can feel like learning to drive all over again. In this article, we break down the essentials, offering practical tips and insights tailored to young adults. Get ready to rev up your knowledge and drive with confidence knowing you've got the right coverage at the right price

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Jumpstarting a Car

Jumpstarting a car is a crucial skill that every driver should know. Whether you're stranded in a parking lot or on the side of the road, knowing how to jumpstart a car can get you back on the road quickly and safely. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of jumpstarting a car, from gathering the necessary tools to safely connecting the jumper cables. With clear instructions and helpful tips, you'll gain the confidence to tackle this essential task with ease. So, whether you're a new driver or just need a refresher, read on to learn everything you need to know about jumpstarting a car and getting back behind the wheel in no time.

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Coping with Depression as a Young Adult or Teen

Struggling with feeling really sad as a young adult or teen can make you feel like you're all by yourself, but you're not. A lot of people your age go through this, too. We'll talk about why you might feel this way and how to know if it's something more serious. We'll also share ways you can get help and feel better. Whether it's talking to someone you trust or doing things you enjoy, there are things you can do to start feeling better.

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Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN Real-World Mastery: Necessary Life Skills Speak up for Kids ADMIN

Dealing with Rats

Discover effective strategies for dealing with rat infestations in your home. From prevention tips like maintaining cleanliness to identifying signs of infestation such as strange sounds and droppings, learn how to address the problem. Explore methods for getting rid of rats, including professional extermination, rat poison, traditional traps, and more humane alternatives like electronic rat traps. Plus, find out how to safely dispose of captured rats to avoid unpleasant odors and health risks.

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Finding Assistance: Palm Beach County Resources for Housing and Utilities

Living in Palm Beach County can be very expensive and you may need a little help with your living situation. Whether it’s help with housing, general bills or food and clothing, kowing where to turn in Palm Beach County for resources is the beginning of getting some help.

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Car Problems: What Every Young Driver Needs to Know When Their Car Breaks Down

Car breakdowns can happen to anyone, but being prepared is half the battle. Stay calm and follow these essential steps for young drivers when your car decides to act up. From pulling over safely to making yourself visible for roadside assistance, this guide has got you covered. Don't let a breakdown ruin your day – be ready, stay safe, and get back on the road in no time!

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Additional Resources

  • DCF Independent Living Services

    Information about the services available to young adults transitioning out of foster care in Florida. It covers topics like education, employment, housing, and health care

  • DCF - Road To Independence Program

    Financial assistance to eligible young adults who have left foster care or are about to leave foster care.

  • DCF - Postsecondary Education Services and Support

    Funding for tuition and living expenses to eligible young adults who are pursuing postsecondary education

  • InCharge Financial Help

    Information about transition programs & resources available to help youths aging out of foster care with finances, housing, health care.

  • Foster Power Classes

    Foster Power offers life skills classes that cover topics like cooking, budgeting, and job searching. These classes can provide practical skills necessary for independent living.

  • Foster Power

    A collection of resources, including guides on managing finances, finding housing, and getting an education. It's a comprehensive guide that can aid young adults as they transition out of foster care.