ACT: Preparing and Taking the American College Testing With Ease

What is the ACT?

The ACT is an exam that, like the SAT, many colleges nationwide recognize and use as a factor in assessing applicants.

This exam consists of four sections- a reading section, a math section, a reading section, and a science section. There is also an optional writing section.

ACT Test Preparation

Taking the ACT

You can take the ACT on a national test date at a testing center, and you can register here: ACT Registration

ACT Fee Waiver

As a foster youth, you are able to have the fee for the ACT waived for you, so that you don’t need to worry about paying to take the exam.

To get your ACT fee waived, talk with your academic counselor. If you are homeschooled, you would need to contact your local high school counselor.

You can find more information here: ACT Fee Waivers

The SAT and ACT are both college prep exams, but they do have differences. One of the best ways to learn the differences is to talk with friends who have taken each exam.




SAT: Preparing and Taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test