Understanding and Maintaining your Car’s Fluids

Congratulations on owning your first car! This is an exciting time, but it's also a time to start thinking about car maintenance. If you're like many young adults, you may not have had much guidance on this topic, especially if you've had few responsible adults in your life. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of maintaining your car's essential fluids, so you can keep your new ride running smoothly for years to come.

Most of the time, you’ll want to have a mechanic work on your car. Finding a reputable mechanic can be tricky, but once you find one, maintain a good relationship. Your car needs to be dependable. Make sure you put aside money for car maintenance, you won’t regret it.

If you wish to do the work yourself, remember, Google or YouTube can be your friend…it’s loaded with all kinds of “how-to’s” if you wish to do this yourself.

Keep these things in mind when considering what to “watch” on your car:

Engine Oil

  • Importance: Keeps the engine lubricated, preventing wear and tear.

  • How to Check: Use the dipstick to check oil levels when the engine is cool.

  • When to Change: Every 3,000 to 5,000 miles or as recommended in your owner's manual.

  • Tips: Always replace the oil filter during an oil change to ensure proper engine protection.

Coolant (Antifreeze)

  • Importance: Prevents the engine from overheating.

  • How to Check: Look at the coolant reservoir; it should be between the "min" and "max" lines.

  • When to Top Up: Check monthly and before long trips. Top up if below the minimum line.

  • Tips: Never open the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

Brake Fluid

  • Importance: Essential for braking performance.

  • How to Check: Locate the brake fluid reservoir and ensure the fluid is between the "min" and "max" lines.

  • When to Change: Every 2 years or as per your car’s manual.

  • Tips: Use the recommended type of brake fluid for your car.

Transmission Fluid

  • Importance: Ensures smooth shifting of gears.

  • How to Check: Refer to your owner's manual as methods vary. Usually, check with the engine running and the transmission in "Park."

  • When to Change: Typically every 30,000 to 60,000 miles.

  • Tips: Use only the type of transmission fluid specified in your manual.

Power Steering Fluid

  • Importance: Aids in smooth steering.

  • How to Check: Locate the power steering reservoir and check the fluid level.

  • When to Top Up: Check monthly and top up as needed.

  • Tips: If steering becomes difficult, check fluid level first.

Windshield Washer Fluid

  • Importance: Keeps windshield clean for clear visibility.

  • How to Check: Open the windshield washer fluid reservoir and fill up to the top.

  • When to Top Up: Check frequently, especially before long trips.

Tips: Use windshield washer fluid instead of water to prevent freezing in winter.

edited by TN


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