When you are online it is important to follow proper rules and basic etiquette to make sure that you are cultivating a proper experience. There are certain rules and regulations you should follow to cultivate your online experience and respect others online. One of the most important aspects of online netiquette is to respect the privacy of others online. Think about how much you value your online privacy and information, you wouldn’t want someone to leak your information online. So value others' privacy like you would your own. This goes side by side with being respectful and pleasant online. Don’t be sarcastic or ironic when online and treat others with respect. Generally just don’t be a troll or distasteful online. 

When sending emails follow similar etiquette, be formal, concise, use proper grammar and spelling to make sure that you don’t come off as a bot or a scam email. 

Spam is an annoying part of being online (think about spam from Bot accounts and other scammers), if you want to follow good online etiquette you should avoid spamming multiple posts and other things. 

Make sure you avoid posting misinformation, before posting anything anywhere you should see where the article is coming from and fact check it to make sure that it is legit. 

Abide by the Terms and Conditions on whatever social media site that you are using in order to maintain a respectful presence on the site and keep your account. 

Act by preferred societal norms and other good behavior, avoid things like trolling and other forms of harassment. Cyber bullying is a real issue, don’t contribute to it.


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