Inspiring Words from Carli Dansky: Be Yourself-No One Can Bring To The Table What You Can.

Q: If I could tell my younger self anything, what would it be?

A: I would say: Be true to yourself. Discover who you are so you can become who you're meant to be. Spend time learning about yourself instead of studying everyone else. When I was in my teens and even in my 20s, I spent a lot of time following what everyone else was doing because I wanted to fit in or maybe blend in—not sure which.

Q: Why is learning about yourself so important?

A: The more we learn about who we are and what we want, the better choices we make. Personally, when I was a young adult, most of my choices were based on what I felt I should be doing—to make my parents happy, follow my friends, or take the easiest path. But I realized that true success comes from creating your own unique path that aligns with who you truly are. Even if that path is harder, it will enrich your life in ways you never thought possible.

Q: What are the important questions I wish I had asked my younger self?

A: I wish I had asked myself: What are you amazing at? What brings you joy? What unique qualities and characteristics do you have? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? What does success look like for you?

Side note: If you don’t have the answers, don’t worry—that’s totally normal. I didn’t have the answers for a while either, but they come in time. I just wish I had started asking sooner and reflecting on what those answers might be.

Q: Why do I believe being authentic is our superpower?

A: When we can truly be ourselves and feel confident in who we are, we can do anything. Making choices that align with our own wants and needs—rather than what we feel we should or have to do—is the best feeling in the world. Remember, you know yourself best, so don’t let anyone else tell you who you should be or what you're capable of. From personal experience, it’s stressful trying to be someone you aren’t. After years of trying to be someone else, I realized that the key to living a life you love is simply being yourself and making choices that resonate with you.

Side Note: The most successful people I know are the ones who are able to be their authentic selfs, and who created their own unique paths to success.

Q: If I could give you one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Don’t be afraid to be who you truly are and to do things a little differently. Don’t be scared to think outside the box or to be an individual. I know it can be hard sometimes to be different and not like everyone else, but from my experience, your difference is what will propel you forward in life. As long as you stay true to yourself, you’ll find environments where you thrive, where you are seen and heard. And you’ll find your people—the ones who love you just as you are.


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