Why College Is for Everyone: Breaking the Myth and Finding Your Unique Path to Success

Hi, my name is Christine Sylvain, and I’m the CEO and founder of Path to College. I want to talk to you about something we hear too often: "College isn’t for everyone."

But let’s stop and really think about that. What does that statement actually mean? When we dig deeper, we realize that this phrase is often linked to certain groups, especially Black and Brown boys. And honestly, that’s just unacceptable to me.

Here’s the truth: College is for everyone. No matter where you come from, no matter your background or circumstances—there is a path to college for you. Sure, the journey may look different for each person, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Success isn’t linear, and higher education is a part of that path for many.

What does “Success isn’t linear” mean? The path to success doesn't always follow a straight line. Sometimes, it has twists, turns, and even setbacks. It might take longer for some or require a few detours, but that doesn’t mean you’re off track. Every step you take—whether forward or sideways—can still lead you to where you want to go. Success isn’t about speed; it’s about persistence and finding your unique way forward.

This helps paint a picture that progress isn’t always smooth or predictable, but it’s still achievable with determination.

If someone tells you, "College isn’t for everyone," I want you to remember that deep down, every student has the potential for greatness. Every student wants to make the best out of life. For many, that path includes college, even if it takes a bit longer or looks different than what you imagined. There’s a way forward for you, and you can even do it without drowning in debt.

At Path to College, we’re here to help you find that way. Remember, college can be for you. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Check out our Student Resources page where you can find critical college prep information and guidance. Go ahead…it’s available to you now.


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