What is self-awareness and why does it matter?

Self-awareness is the process of looking at who you are, and then comparing it with who you want to be. Self-awareness is important because it is an opportunity for you to reflect. Before you’re able to do anything or take the steps to get to where you want to go, you need to have a better understanding of who you are now. Practicing self-awareness is similar to checking a map. It helps orient you- showing you where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

Becoming self-aware

The first step in being self-aware involves better understanding who you are. One way that you can become self-aware is by sitting down and writing down some things about yourself. Are you kind? Do you tend to worry a lot?

  • Write down/think about how and why you have these qualities. What parts of your story have made who you are? This can be difficult, as you realize how different pieces of your story have been painful and may have left you feeling angry, alone, or discouraged.

  • The next step in being self-aware is accepting where you are. Even if you aren’t where you want to be, you can’t move toward something without knowing what you might want to be moving away from first. Everyone starts somewhere.

  • After you accept who you are, you are then able to think about where you want to be. What kind of person do you want to be? What type of goals do you have?

  • Finally, once you have a better idea of who you are and who we want to be, you can take steps to get there. That involves learning and doing research, and then learning what steps to take.

Overwhelm (& overcoming it)

While you are on this journey of self-awareness and learning to self-advocate, there may be times where you become overwhelmed. This may feel like exhaustion, anger, or frustration.

Being overwhelmed might make you feel like just distracting yourself, lashing out at others, or feeling anxious or depressed. The first thing to remember is that these feelings are normal. Being self-aware is difficult, and it is okay to struggle. But even though these feelings are real and difficult, they are also not permanent. Feelings do eventually change and shift, which means that if you persevere, you can overcome your emotions, and not allow them to overcome you.

When you feel overwhelmed, there are serveral things that you can do. Take some time to talk with someone, or to journal about what you’re feeling. Talking with someone else invites a new perspective and lets someone else walk alongside you. Take a moment to step back. Sometimes all of your problems feel really big when they are right in front of you. Stepping back can help you see a new way forward. These things can also help organize your thoughts and gives you a chance to share what your brain is thinking.

Have grace with yourself. Being self-aware is a journey. You don't have to have it all figured out right now, and you don’t have to be perfect to move forward and to make progress. Remind yourself of where you want to be and why you are doing the hard work now.

After you’ve taken a breath and taken some time, jump back and and try to learn more about where you are. Then find something that you can do to take the next step forward.


PSAT: Understanding the Pre-Scholastic Aptitude Test

