Why does time management matter?

Whether it’s school, managing a job, or just managing life day to day, time management is important. Most people agree that time management is important, but don’t know exactly how to successfully time manage.

Time management is important because it helps you create routines and patterns that allow you to accomplish your goals and tasks for the day.

Being able to use time management skills helps you have some time to read, relax, sleep or pursue hobbies. These techniques are ways to avoid fatigue when working. They will help you break down what needs to get done and when it needs to get done.

Time Management Strategies

Below are some different strategies that can be used to help you manage your time well and to set achieveable goals for yourself. Not all of these will work for you, and that’s okay. Some of these methods are contradictory and work for different people with different personalities and mindsets. If one doesn’t work for you, try another one!

  • Lists give you an organized visual of what you need to get done. They also help you remember things that you might otherwise forget.

  • If you break up your tasks into different categories, it helps you organize and gives your mind fewer tasks to worry about. For example, if you have 7 things on your to-do list, you can break them into “school assignments” and “chores.” It may be easier to decide how to do things after that. You can also color coordinate the different categories to give yourself helpful visual cues.

  • If you do the hardest task first, everything else might seem easier after that.

  • If you have a long to-do list that seems endless, sit down and read through it. Which tasks need to get done by the end of the day? Which tasks can be done tomorrow, or on a later day in the week?

  • Having a personal planner helps you stay organized with what needs to get done, and it also helps you remember when those things need to get done. A planner can be helpful for keeping track of monthly deadlines or tasks (large homework assignments, monthly utility bills).

  • This technique is a way to give yourself a rhythm of doing work and taking breaks. You set a timer for 25 minutes and do work during that time. Then you set a timer for 5 minutes and give yourself time to take a short break!

    This method is really helpful if you have a difficult time focusing because it structures short times of intense focus paired with short, but frequent, breaks.

  • Sticky notes are good physical reminders of things you need to get done.

    You could put a sticky note on a mirror or on a wall near your bed, and then when you walk by it, you’ll be reminded of the task you want to do!


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