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Finding Your Voice: Healing Through Expression

Disclaimer: The neuroscience articles on this website were written by students studying psychology and neuroscience. They are intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice from a licensed psychologist or neuroscientist. For personalized advice and treatment, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Self-expression has been shown to help people process their trauma, and even allow them to heal from it. This may be something that could help you, too.

Importance of self-expression in trauma recovery

Many people struggle to talk about the trauma they’ve been through, but self-expression allows you to put your trauma into a language beyond words. You might feel particularly drawn to one kind of art form that helps you process your trauma in a way that words cannot. For example, you may have been through a very traumatic experience in your life. So traumatic that you have never been able to tell anyone about it or talk about it. It could help if you drew a picture of the way this event made you feel – and then explain that drawing to a friend or counselor. In another example, you may be angry about something that has happened to you and you can’t find a way to express that anger. If you found that you were good at building something with a hammer and nails or modeling clay, these activities could help you release some of the tension you are feeling and provide some relief. The important thing is to learn to express what you are feeling so that those feelings don’t stay bottled up inside. If you are unable to use words to do that, a more creative form of expression, like drawing, building, or even dancing, may help you to better deal with those feelings and provide you relief.

Different forms of creative expression

There are many different kinds of creative expression, the important part is to find the one(s) that you most enjoy. You may like visual arts, like painting or drawing, or you may prefer 3-D art like ceramics, crochet, sewing, or woodworking. You may be inspired to sing or play an instrument, or you might like the art of writing; whether that is fiction, nonfiction, poetry, songwriting, or simply journaling about your life. Maybe you enjoy movement and dancing, or photography. All of these art forms, (and many others!), can help you build your confidence and express your inner self. If none of these sound like options for you, try looking up a list of creative or artistic hobbies on Google to find something you’re interested in.

Tips for finding outlets for self-expression and healing

There are countless ways to get involved with an art form, and if you aren’t sure what kind of creative expression might be right for you, you can try them all! There are plenty of zero-to-low budget options that can allow you to try an art form before fully committing to one. For example, you could buy some starter art supplies at the dollar store to try your hand at drawing or painting. You could join a community or church choir to see if you enjoy singing, or if you’re in school, you could join the band. Many areas have community centers that offer art, dance, or music classes for a fee. You can have an introduction to photography by playing with camera settings on your phone, or by downloading free photo editing apps. You can start writing anytime, for free, using just a notebook and pencil or through a program like Word or Google Docs. Once you find a form of expression that you enjoy, you can join local groups, clubs, or online forums related to your chosen art form to share your passions with others.

What this may mean for me: How do I get more confident using my voice?

By participating in an art form, you can practice working on something that you enjoy, that takes your mind off things that worry you, and that helps you cope with the things of your past. Studies have shown that art can serve as a kind of therapy for people who have been through trauma in life, and even help them heal from it. By expressing yourself through creativity, you can turn your feelings into something physical. Then, you can try to understand it and grow past it. Art allows you to explore your own mind, your own feelings, and your own experiences, to help you make sense of what you’ve been through and heal from it. As you are able to express yourself through creative expression, you have an outlet for all the stress you may have built up inside. When you are no longer bottling up your emotions, you will have the space to be more confident.